Vote for state Propositions 3 and 4 to keep taxes low

The Travis County Republican Party voted in its October Executive Committee meeting to support two Texas Constitutional Amendment propositions on the fall 2023 ballot — one (Prop. 3) preventting a “wealth tax” and another (Prop. 4) in support of a temporary property tax relieff “compression” plan put forth by the Texas Legislature this year.

See our summary of alll 14 propositions here. For help voting, other recommendations, ways to discuss the propositions, and more, visit our Your Vote page. The resolution is as follows:

WHEREAS the Republican Party of Texas opposes raising taxes and supports tax relief

WHEREAS Proposition 3 would ban a wealth tax (which would tax assets, not income) on Texans and

WHEREAS Proposition 4 would increase the homestead exemption, providing much needed property tax relief for homeowners; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE that the Travis County Republican Party supports state propositions 3 and 4 on the November 2023 ballot.


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